
Original Oil Paintings By Artist: Anne-Marie Debuissert

Original Oil Paintings by Artist: Anne-Marie Debuissert

About The Artist
Anne-Marie Debuissert

Fine Art Studio. Original Oil Paintings by Artist: Anne-Marie Debuissert

My interest in art began at an early age, as I solely nurtured my talent. I had the opportunity to study art closely and was mentored by a nationally renowned artist and teacher. Additionally, I have participated in workshops to refine my art skills. My work has been accepted in several juried shows. With much success, I continue to show and display my work. Following in my grandmother's footsteps, born in Montmartre, Paris, France, in 1898, I embraced my innate talent as an artist.

By the end of the century, Montmartre became the "hub," a popular spot for artists in Paris. This is the area where some of the most famous artists in the world lived, worked, and drew inspiration. Much like my grandmother, who, as a painter, was enamored by nature and its boundless beauty, I, too, find inspiration from Mother Nature herself. I am enchanted and in awe by every sunset nature displays and how the sunlight dances on the ocean. I am thrilled to share my love of art with you, and I hope you find my paintings filled with a glorious symphony of color, light, and warmth, and this, for certain is one of my best accomplishments yet.

Commissioned work is also available. Please call the showroom for more info at (401)-500-0388

Email blf39@pm.me

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